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Showing posts from February, 2006

The Decline And Fall Of Europe

Fareed Zakaria schreibt über den Niedergang und Fall von Europa: The Decline And Fall Of Europe: It's often noted that the European Union has a combined gross domestic product that is approximately the same as that of the United States. But the E.U. has 170 million more people. Its per capita GDP is 25 percent lower than that of the United States, and, most important, that gap has been widening for 15 years. Kann das daran liegen, dass die EU 2004 um zehn Länder erweitert wurde, die noch einiges aufzuholen haben? People have argued that Europeans simply value leisure more and, as a result, are poorer but have a better quality of life. That's fine if you're taking a 10 percent pay cut and choosing to have longer lunches and vacations. But if you're only half as well off as the United States, that will translate into poorer health care and education, diminished access to all kinds of goods and services, and a lower quality of life. Na das ist ein Argument, dass sich zieml